Plot: In 2001 Jack Cardiff (1914-2009) became the first director of photography in the history of the Academy Awards to win an Honorary Oscar. But the first time he clasped the famous statuette in his hand was a half-century earlier when his Technicolor camerawork was awarded for Powell and Pressburger’s Black Narcissus. Beyond John Huston’s The African Queen and King Vidor’s War and Peace, the films of the British-Hungarian creative duo (The Red Shoes and A Matter of Life and Death too) guaranteed immortality for the renowned cameraman whose career spanned seventy years. Plot: A supernatural thriller set in Turin about a love story between two lonely people.

  • Genre: Documentary
  • IMDB rating: 7.0/10 (404 votes)
  • Directed by: Craig McCall
  • Starring: Jack Cardiff, Martin Scorsese, Kirk Dougla
  • Release Name: Cameraman.The.Life.and.Work.of.Jack.Cardiff.2010.DVDRip.XviD-LAP
  • Size: 1CD
  • Video Quality: XviD XviD 1061kbps 624×352 25.000FPS
  • Audio Quality: 114kbps 48000Hz Stereo MP3
  • Runtime: 86 min

Posted by BanJiRiaN on Saturday, October 23, 2010
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