The Trial of the Incredible Hulk is a 1989 TV movie sequel to the 1970s Incredible Hulk television series, featuring both the Hulk and fellow Marvel Comics character Daredevil, who team up to defeat Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin. As was the case with The Incredible Hulk Returns, this television movie also acted as a backdoor television pilot for an unproduced series featuring Daredevil

On the run again after the events of the last TV movie, we find David Banner (Bill Bixby) working up north under the name David Belson. Disenchanted and at the end of his rope, David makes his way towards a large city with the hopes of renting a room and staying buried. Unbeknownst to him, the city he arrives in is under the control of a powerful underworld kingpin named Wilson Fisk (John Rhys-Davies) . When David witnesses an attempted sexual assault by one of Fisk's men, he transforms into the Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) and all hell breaks loose. A short while later, David is arrested by the police and wrongfully charged with the crime. While awaiting trial, blind defense attorney Matt Murdock (Rex Smith) is assigned to David's case. David is uncooperative but Murdock has faith that he is innocent and is determined to prove so. One night while fast asleep, David has a nightmare about his upcoming trial and dreams about transforming into the Hulk on the witness stand. The stress of this causes him to transform in reality and the Hulk subsequently breaks free of the prison.

Approx. run time 2 hours
Written by Gerald Di Pego
Directed by Bill Bixby
Produced by Gerald Di Pego[1]
Robert Ewing
Hugh Spencer-Phillips
Starring Lou Ferrigno
John Rhys-Davies
Rex Smith
Stan Lee (cameo, uncredited)
Music by Lance Rubin
Country United States
Language English
Original channel NBC[2]
Release date May 7, 1989 (1989-05-07)
Preceded by The Incredible Hulk Returns
Followed by The Death of the Incredible Hulk




Posted by Unforgiven on Monday, October 25, 2010
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